Exploring APIs, not Documentation Hi Everybody! We’ve been working crazy hard to smooth out the API Explorer feature in ReadMe.io. We believe the optimal way to learn about an API is to interact with it rather than read about it in a massive wall of text. It should be easy to see how an API works—how the headers are sent, what a successful call looks like—because using an API is the best way to understand it. So, we built the API Explorer to be incredibly easy for everybody: API providers and API consumers. There are two ways of using the API Explorer: you can manually describe your API using ReadMe’s API Settings page, or you can automatically ingest your endpoints and generate maintenance free reference documentation using ReadMe Sync. For more information, check out the API Explorer Documentation site. Also, listen to Gabe interview Greg about the API Explorer and iterative documentation in this short audio clip: https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/186892480&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true We have loads of new features coming down the pipe for you, including SSL, OAuth, and a brand new template that blows the others away. If you’re interested in testing any of these (we love feedback!), just shoot us a note at [email protected]. We’ll have you up and running in a jiffy.