API Documentation Essentials: From Creation to Integration

Welcome to the often chaotic realm of API documentation. A place where developers pray for solid examples instead of placeholder syntax. Technical writers try to balance technical accuracy with user-friendly language. Tech leads become masters of version control, and product managers…well, they manage the storm of feature requests and shifting priorities.

If you work in any of these roles and you’ve been longing for an easier way to create API documentation, this post is for you. 

Just remember that creating these guides is a collaborative effort that involves a team (rather than a lone developer trying to juggle writing docs with their existing workload). 

But where do you start?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the following concepts:

  • The fundamentals of API documentation
  • Types of API documentation
  • Key participants in the documentation process
  • How to write API documentation
  • Examples of API documentation

Let’s discuss the ins and outs of API docs and how they can significantly improve developer experience.

What is API documentation?

API documentation is a set of technical guides that describe how to use and integrate your applications with an API to obtain external services. 

It doesn’t sound impressive, but these guides play a critical role in giving developers clear instructions to connect two software components effectively. Which is much better than wasting hours figuring out what to do.
When it comes to the Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, APIs should always be documented before deploying changes. It ensures your customers have everything they need to get started and change their code before an update impacts their processes.

Types of API documentation

Yes, there are many types of API documentation besides the often visualized web layout with code snippets, a three-panel dynamic, and navigation menus. After all, developers and end-users have different levels of technical expertise. 

Here are the main types of API documentation:

API documentation typeDescriptionWhen to use it
Reference documentationA detailed list of basically everything. Think specifications, including methods, parameters, and error codes.When developers need precise information for coding and debugging.
Getting Started guidesIntroductory walkthroughs to get users up and running with the API.Ideal for new users who need to quickly understand and start using your API.
TutorialsStep-by-step instructions to achieve specific outcomes using the API.When developers want to learn through practical examples and build specific features.
SDK & library documentationInformation on how to use the SDKs and libraries provided for easier API integration.When developers are implementing your API in specific programming environments or frameworks.
Authentication documentationGuidelines on securing and accessing the API.For developers to correctly implement secure API access from the start.
Error code documentationExplanations of possible errors, their meanings, and how to fix them.For developers to understand and handle errors during API integration and operation.
Support forumsA community of API users to give advice, troubleshoot, or discuss the API.Where you find answers and get help from other API users to solve specific issues. 

No matter what type of API you have — REST, SOAP, GraphQL, RPC, or something entirely custom — documentation educates users, promotes adoption, and ensures successful integration.

Who benefits from crystal-clear API documentation?

Anyone who needs to integrate or understand API features benefits from having readable documentation. But that could mean a lot of end-users, ranging from full-fledged developers to API enthusiasts who just want to try their hand at coding over the weekend.

Still, the main groups that benefit from clear API documentation are:

  • Developers save a lot of headaches and self-loathing when they have clear guides and examples that let them easily integrate or manage an API they’ve never used before.
  • Technical writers need to be familiar with their own documentation, of course, but also interact with documentation for other companies and products, so they can better understand how their product interacts with them.
  • Tech leads, when presented with great API docs, can give them to their team members as a reference, instead of going in and explaining the same thing over and over again.
  • Product managers often need to understand features to facilitate technical communication with cross-functional teams. 

Now, let’s explore API documentation benefits and use cases for each of these roles.

API documentation for developers

Applications Please Integrate” 

This may not be what the API acronym means, but if you have years of experience in development, it may be something you’ve experienced far too many times. 

As a developer, you have to consider usability and user experience for your API users. But when it comes to your own experience, not all documentation meets the mark. You can either love or hate API docs, no in-between.

What makes you hate API documentation:

  • Unclear API endpoint descriptions: How can you perform the actions if you don’t know how to access them?
  • Missing information about parameters: Especially the required inputs for API requests and no specification of units.
  • Insufficient error code explanations: “An error occurred” without telling you why this error occurred has to be at the top of the most frustrating messages.
  • Lack of real-world usage examples: Placeholder syntax or beginner examples aren’t going to make the cut.
  • Outdated integration guidelines: If everything is working smoothly but then suddenly breaks, it must be an API update.

Many developer teams lack a dedicated technical writer, which means developers have to document the code themselves. Each minute you spend documenting is a minute away from coding, which can feel hard to justify when your backlog is growing every minute.

What makes you love API documentation:

  • Detailed examples: Examples of how to use each endpoint and sample requests are often more helpful than formal documentation. Instead of “This is the function X and this is how it works,” it’s better to include examples on “How to do Y using X.”
  • Interactive explorations: Sandboxes provide a controlled environment where you can test and play around with code, without consequences.
  • Real-time code generation: Developers love it when API documentation provides code generators. You can select the endpoint, specify the parameters, preferred programming language, and … done! You’ve got a snippet of code you can simply copy and paste into your codebase.

Thorough API documentation saves time. Read that again.

It spares you from explaining code to other developers multiple times. This facilitates passing down knowledge without the constant assistance of a more senior member, which frees up time to tackle your daily tasks—or to enjoy a well-deserved coffee break.

API documentation for technical writers

Achieving a balance between technical accuracy and readability is the job of technical writers. And for that, you might need some beginner experience in coding. However, even with the technical capabilities, it’s difficult to write documentation when you don’t understand the API. 

Writing API documentation is a collaborative effort in which technical writers have to work closely with the developing team, both to create the documentation and to later maintain and update it.

Here are some best practices for maintaining up-to-date API documentation:

  • Version control systems: With Git, you can track documentation changes and use branching and merging strategies to collaborate with developers.
  • Collaborative writing capabilities: Google Docs and Confluence provide instant feedback and real-time collaboration.
  • Continuous integration tools: Jenkins and Travis CI automate the integration of code changes to keep documentation up-to-date.
  • Documentation testing tools: Docusaurus or Swagger Inspector can help you identify missing information, inconsistencies, or outdated content in your documentation.   
  • Automated documentation generators: ReadMe can use OpenAPI to generate documentation while providing a user-friendly interface and powerful customization options.

Despite having these tools at your disposal, the task of making API documentation understandable for everyone — from developers to non-technical stakeholders — is never truly finished. As APIs change, so their documentation must evolve too. As refining and updating content is a continuous part of your day-to-day, having an API documentation checklist doesn’t hurt.

API documentation for tech leads

As a tech lead, you’re the point person everyone goes to when inquiring about API updates or standardization of documents. But, to document APIs, you also have to make sure they align with your team’s development goals. After all, developers often rely on API documentation for integration and testing. 

But how do you ensure consistency across documents?

Here are some methods to effectively manage documentation:

  • Version tagging in documentation: Tags that indicate what section applies to the API version help users understand what’s relevant to the version they’re using. 
  • Version branches in repositories: Major versions of the API should have their branch repository to allow updates and fixes without affecting other versions.
  • Automated alerts for features: Tools like GitHub Actions, which monitor codebase changes for deprecation annotations, can trigger alerts or create tasks for documentation updates.
  • Centralized documentation management: A central repository with version-specific documents or style guides keeps your API documentation design and writing coherent across versions.
  • Regular reviews and audits: Periodic individual and cross-functional team reviews ensure your documentation aligns with the latest API functionalities.

Building a documentation workflow that scales with your team and API offerings is key. As your API grows, so does the complexity of managing it. That’s why setting up robust processes with these methods simplifies updates and ensures consistency across documentation, which supports the efficiency of your team.

API documentation for product managers

As a product manager, your main duty with API documentation is to ensure that it meets the needs of both internal and external stakeholders. In many cases, you’ll need to communicate your API features with a non-technical audience, which can be difficult at the early stages of adoption. 

So…what can make your job easier?

  • Interactive API explorers: Show stakeholders your API’s feature richness by interactively testing and getting outputs with practical applications.
  • Quickstart guides: Allow users to easily make their first API call, which smooths the learning curve. 
  • Success stories: Illustrate practical and real-world scenarios for the use of your API, allowing your stakeholders to imagine the potential impact on their processes. 
  • Integration possibilities: Showcase how your API integrates with other platforms, which can guarantee a larger software ecosystem. 

Making sure your API documentation aligns with your product roadmap isn’t easy. Product roadmaps are dynamic and are often subject to change—considering customer feedback. While APIs can be technically complex, which demands clear documentation.

This makes constant attention and quick updates key to ensure the documentation not only matches the current roadmap but also effectively communicates the API’s capabilities and strategic value to all stakeholders.

Also, consider the impact of good documentation on costs. Poor practices in API documentation can lead to incorrect implementations. These errors may cause system instability and surge computing costs, affecting your bottom line. 

How to write API documentation

Throughout this blog post, we’ve given you tips here and there about what to include to appeal to all the stakeholders of API documentation. Here’s a top-level overview of writing API documentation — if you want more tips on creating great docs, head here.

Understand the API

This should go without saying, but regardless of your role, interacting with the API, consulting with senior developers, and identifying key features is a great starting point. 

Define your audience

Consider that people from other fields may skim your documentation. Identify your different user groups (e.g., beginners, advanced developers, product managers) and assess their needs to determine the technical level of your API documentation.

When identifying your audience, it’s crucial to distinguish between public and private APIs to tailor your documentation to the right users. Public APIs are available for developers external to your organization. These APIs require accessible and comprehensible documentation so a broad audience can access them. Private APIs, on the other hand, are intended for internal use and need technical details based on your organization’s needs. 

Outline and write (good) content

Remember your audience should quickly find and apply what they need, which enhances the overall developer experience. It’s critical that you create a logical structure that groups related information together (e.g., Authentication, Endpoints, Error Codes) and is readable. Also, don’t forget to include real-world applications.

Publish, get feedback, and update

API documentation is never really finished. After you hit publish, you’ll have to collect feedback and regularly update it. Whether that be because you released a new feature or based on user feedback.  

Examples of great API documentation

Real-world examples are always better than stale text — it’s as true for all content as it is for your API docs. With that in mind, here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing:


Notion’s API documentation is user-friendly and navigational, with a clean interface that eliminates all the clutter, making it easy to find information quickly.

screenshot of notion api documentation

This is what’s great about Notion’s documentation:

  • A table of contents, for both topics and subsections of each topic
  • A search bar with a ctrl+/ shortcut
  • Option to leave feedback at the end of the page
  • Information on how long ago the documentation was updated
  • Callouts to highlight requirements or important information 

This documentation is easy on the eyes with a perfect balance between text, snippets of code, tables, and callout boxes. 


Baremetrics’ API documentation is not only clear and simple but also interactive, effectively fulfilling its purpose: providing its audience with what they need.

screenshot of baremetric api documentation

This is what’s great about Baremetrics’ documentation:

  • API explorer to test requests in different languages
  • Detailed parameters and responses available upfront
  • Interactive request history log to track and review API usage
  • Table of contents labeled with HTTP methods (GET, PUT, POST, etc.) to quickly understand the action of each endpoint

This documentation is skimmable and to the point, so the reader doesn’t have to wade through large chunks of text.


Monday’s API documentation is tailored to a non-technical audience, while still hinting at the parts where you might need a developer’s help.

screenshot of monday api documentation for non-technical audiences

This is what’s great about Monday’s documentation:

  • Resources, developer community, and GitHub page
  • Additional content like screenshots, videos, and GIFs
  • Descriptive step-by-step for a non-technical audience
  • AI assistant to quickly answer questions about Monday’s app framework

Reading this documentation is like reading a blog post. Conversational, friendly, and with great formatting.

(It’s also worth noting that all these API documents are powered by ReadMe! Our goal is to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for anyone who reads your API documentation. 😉)

Incorporating user feedback into documentation updates

Users and developers often catch errors or ambiguities the documentation team might overlook. Opening channels of communication for feedback creates a more dynamic documentation process. In turn, the onboarding process for new users becomes smoother and the learning curve associated with using your API decreases.

If you had an internal API, giving feedback would be as easy as going into Slack and reporting any issues. But since you have end-users outside of your organization, here are some methods to collect user feedback:

  • Embedded feedback forms
  • Email
  • Surveys
  • User interviews
  • Comment sections
screenshot of gusto feedback form for the api versioning page
Example feedback form, from Gusto’s API docs

API tools for feedback integration:

  • Swagger or Postman can provide user feedback directly within the API interface.
  • GitHub or GitLab allows users to suggest changes via pull requests.

You could also offer a beta testing phase in which developers can use your new documentation and provide feedback before you roll out any major changes.

Commit to better API docs: Push forward

API documentation was an afterthought just a few years ago. Today it’s not only a requirement, but a job on its own. End-users long for truly usable API documentation, which just shows how important it’s become.

Embrace feedback and continuously improve the developer experience by updating your documentation and using best practices. Good API documentation not only avoids a negative reputation, but also attracts potential customers by showcasing ease of use — a key factor stakeholders consider when deciding which API to use.

Crystal clear API documentation is an invaluable, proactive approach that saves countless hours, and is a surefire way to help everyone succeed throughout the development pipeline.