Jon Ursenbach

Jon Ursenbach

Jon is our resident expert of all things OpenAPI. He enjoys bad puns, watching genre films, hockey, and had an elderly pug who he still won’t stop talking about.

Adopting Coding Standards Within a Large Codebase

Over the past month here at ReadMe, we've doubled the size of our engineering organization (…psst) and one thing that we quickly realized was that each of us have our own coding styles. This unfortunately…

Making Better Use of Heroku’s Logging Firehose

This past month at ReadMe has been quite productive! We hosted a 24 hour API radio station, deployed a huge v6 of our API explorer, reimagined our Markdown engine, and released an app on Glitch showcasing how we’re able to…


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Four Ways to Make Your API More Enjoyable to Use

At ReadMe, we love APIs, and we love them even more when they get whimsical—so much so that it's part of our company's mission. The problem with APIs, however, is that they can often be…