We’re making documentation & APIs
better for everybody.

ReadMe gives teams the tools they need to create and manage beautiful documentation with ease, monitor their APIs, and connect with their users in more personal ways.

Drawing of the ReadMe team

We're a small team of humans (and one owl) working together to do big things.

Gregory Koberger

Founder, CEO • He/Him

Greg hails from the lovely town of Schaghticoke in upstate New York. After attending RIT he made the move to San Francisco where he’s worked for Mozilla, and freelanced for a bunch of startups.

He founded ReadMe after building docs sites for most of them. You can find him drinking coffee or obsessively competing for Swarm mayorships.


Marc Cuva

Developer Experience • He/Him

Marc grew up in the frozen tundra of northern Minnesota. Immediately after visiting SF he was already won over by warmer winter temperatures.

Most of the time he can be found yelling at one of his cats to get out of the way of the TV.


Dom Harrington

Open Source Engineer • He/Him

Dom joins the ReadMe team remotely from the UK. He enjoys cooking, long walks in the countryside and playing video games. You’ll likely find him in ReadMe's open source repos frantically writing tests.

He works mostly UK hours, so will definitely be the one pushing for earlier and earlier meetings.


Dave Reed

Sales • He/Him

Dave joins ReadMe remotely from Columbus. When he is working from home, he gets help from his two bulldogs.

As an Ohio native, he’s a huge Buckeye football fan. And loves to travel all over the world when it’s not football season.


Kanad Gupta

Developer Advocate • He/Him

Joining us remotely from Minneapolis, Kanad forms the newly-minted Minnesota branch of the ReadMe team! We love Minnesota.

Kanad just bought a bike and is loving riding around Minneapolis, but he’s less enthused by the whole peddling aspect of it. While biking around MPLS, Kanad is probably listening to Janelle Monáe—his Spotify artist of the decade.


Kirby Carpenito

Account Executive • She/Her

Kirby was born and raised in Boston, but she’s lived in Columbus, Ohio since 2011 (the accent comes out if you get a rise out of her… or after a few glasses of wine).

She has an adorable rescue cat named Peewee that chases her around, and without a doubt always has to unplug the phone charger out of the wall.

Shea McCaulla

Account Executive

Shea recently moved back home to Columbus, Ohio after living in Austin, Texas for the past few years.

You can find him out walking his 90lb doggo, cheering on his alma mater Buckeyes or rooting for his favorite sports teams up in Cleveland. After work, he enjoys trying out new pizza joints and visiting local art exhibits.


Gabe Ratcliff

Lead Metrics Engineer • He/Him

Gabe is a Bay Area native, joining us from just across the bay, in Oakland! Outside of work he can be found cooking, trying his best to get stronger, or fantasizing about tracking a car or motorcycle. Someday, he’ll be the proud owner of a greyhound.

Jon Ursenbach

Lead API Engineer • He/Him

Jon is our resident expert of all things OpenAPI.

He enjoys bad puns, watching genre films, hockey, and had an elderly pug who he still won’t stop talking about.


Darren Yong

Support Engineer • He/Him

Darren is a Bay Area native that probably spends way too much time on his computer playing video games or learning about new technologies.

When he’s not in front of a computer, you can find him hiking with his stubborn and dramatic Shibe, exploring new areas to take pictures of, and working on his car!


Head of Front End • He/Him

Rafe is a self-taught visual designer and engineer, and an avowed morning person. When he isn’t pushing pixels, you can find him at the most convenient Starbucks location, reposting New York Times articles on the Facebook.

Rafe vehemently denies harboring any brand loyalties or deep-seated fears of his own complacency in the face of late capitalism.


Benak Vrishabhendra

Account Executive • He/Him

Benak grew up in Cincinnati, OH. He started with ReadMe in the Columbus, OH office but now works remotely from Chicago, IL.

He is an avid fan of Cincinnati sports, Manchester United, F1, and his alma mater the Buckeyes. In his free time he enjoys playing tennis, building things, and ordering food on Doordash.


Jesse Yowell

Head of Support • He/Him

Jesse grew up in Fairfax, VA and now lives in San Francisco where he learned kickboxing, got married, found ReadMe, and had two children.

When not working, he enjoys classic video games, phở, and learning the C programming language.

Tony Li

Design • He/Him

Tony grew up in San Francisco’s sunny Excelsior neighborhood and has trouble writing in third person.

He used to collect *holographic* MUNI passes, but now just collects plants. Other interests include wearing all black, and his dog.


Pat Pow-anpongkul

Business Operations • He/Him

Pat is back in the Bay Area after spending a brief stint in his home state of Georgia. He is most excited about ReadMe’s commitment to intense bouts of Codenames.

Pat is a big fan of musical theatre and improv comedy, having performed in college and semi-professionally in Atlanta. An avid golfer, you can often find him at the golf course searching for lost tee shots in the woods.

Emily Kuo

Full Stack Engineer • She/Her

Emily joins ReadMe as a recent graduate of Hackbright Academy. In a previous life, she was an account manager in pharmaceutical advertising.

In her free time, Emily enjoys climbing, car camping, cooking and baking.


Lamberto Asghedom

Support Engineer

Lamberto joins our Support team as a Support Engineer! He was born and raised in San Francisco, and learned Sign Language before he learned English.

In his free time, he likes to set up bridge traps in Mario Kart.

Kelly Joseph Price

Engineer • He/Him

Kelly grew up in the SF Bay Area before moving to Sacramento. Before software, he did a stint as a barista and then coffee roaster.

He’s the parent of two girls and two dogs. He can usually be found hauling his kids and/or doggos on a cargo bike or sitting on his couch wishing he was outside.

Laura Luuho

Customer Success Manager • She/Her

Laura currently resides in the Brooklyn borough of New York City but grew up in Pennsylvania. Despite being an East Coast girl, her ideal daily temperature would be 80 degrees and sunny ☀️

Things that make her happy include: extra spicy foods, eating gelato everyday, moon-gazing, deep house music, and possum memes.

Aaron Hedges

API Engineer • He/Him

Aaron lives in Michigan with a housefull of people and animals.

When not playing the role of father/jester he plays obscure tabletop games, watches bad movies and loses regularly in online games.


Engineering Manager • He/Him

Ilias was born in Greece, grew up in NYC, and currently lives in an undisclosed location.

When not flipping bits he enjoys reading books, making music, and jaywalking. One day he hopes to live on a sailboat and see more of the world.


Andrew Walton

Solution Architect • He/Him

Andrew is a New York City native who dreams of living in an area where he can ride his motorcycle year round.

In his free time he enjoys riding/driving down winding roads, bopping to deep house music, dressing in all black, making all his food super spicy, following his favorite football clubs (Forza Napoli!), and playing DDR.

Terrell Tullis

Support Engineer

Terrell joins the ReadMe team remotely from Los Angeles. As a military brat, he’s seen a lot of different cities but LA is his all-time favorite.

He’s a self-taught engineer, and a proud boot camp grad. He spends most of the day on his computer, but when he steps away, he enjoys playing video games (Apex Legends), watching cooking shows with his fiancee’ or chasing around his young son.

Julia Hotaling

Full Stack Engineer • She/Her

Hailing from the East Coast, Julia can be flagged as a MD native from all the crab and Old Bay themed items she owns. She graduated from RIT with a degree in New Media Interactive Development (and is always happy to explain what that is).

When not developing, she enjoys playing video games, creating both digital and traditional art, and thinking about robots.


Tommy Penner

Support Engineer • He/Him

Tommy is a native Michigander living outside Detroit with his partner Danielle, his son Neil, and three extra large cats.

On the weekends he can be found fixing anything that needs to be repaired around the house; unrelated, he can also be found making frequent trips to the closest hardware store. He is also a devoted Star Trek fan, arguing that Captain Sisko is a better captain than Kirk or Picard.


Taryn King

Support Engineer • She/Her

Originally from the Emerald Coast fo Florida, Taryn joins the ReadMe team remotely from Dallas, TX.

Outside of coding and the tech space, you can find her playing guitar while wearing Baby Yoda socks, watching horror movies, or drinking matcha lattes.


Kevin Ports

UI Engineer • He/Him

Kevin joins the ReadMe team from the great state of Wisconsin.

When he’s not pushing pixels or chasing his kid around you can find him out walking in the woods or digging in his garden.

Lyli Najar

Product Experience Manager • She/Her

Lyli currently lives in New York City with her partner and cats, Moose and Jug. She’s originally from Honduras, though she has spent most of her life in New Jersey.

During her free time, you can find her playing tennis, skiing, cooking, or keeping her Duolingo streak strong.

Ryan Visek

Product Designer • He/Him

Ryan currently resides in Berkeley, CA.

When he’s not dragging colors and shapes around on a screen you can find him traveling in his van(Bertha), listening to the Grateful Dead, watching Seinfeld, and climbing.


Rachel Kalt

Product Marketing • She/Her

A NY native, Ray spent 10 years in the Bay followed by a year in NYC only to realize that it was time to see what other places around the US call to her, her partner, & their dog, Theo. They’re spending 2022 as vagabonds—trying a new city each season.

Before product marketing, Ray spent nearly a decade in design agencies, and even longer in restaurants. She’s a lifelong dancer, avid home cook, & reader.


Trisha Le

UI Engineer • She/Her

Trisha is a recent Bay Area plant after growing up in Southern California. She studied Human-Computer Interaction and Education at UC Irvine and loves to visit new places, go on picnics, and pretend to be an interior designer in Animal Crossing.

You can often catch her organizing her entire life on Notion, watching documentaries, and saying hello to dogs.


Daniels Lee

UI Engineer • They/Them/He/Him

Daniels migrated away from NY and has been cultivating a new home in the Bay Area for the last one-third of their life. Alongside their beautiful partner Kristin, together they are manifesting ways to stay here and honor the Beauty 🌸, Magic ✨ and Love 💚 that is inherent to this place.

Capricorn ♑︎ by day, Sagittarian ♐︎ by night, you'll often find them taking long wanders discovering life's mysteries by 🐾, 🚲 and the occasional 🛹.

Phoebe Hersh

Business Operations • She/Her

Originally from northern New Jersey, Phoebe currently resides in New York City with her partner. Prior to ReadMe, Phoebe worked in operations for a variety of startups.

In her free time you can find Phoebe trying new restaurants, running long distances, traveling, and spending quality time with her dog Theo 🐶

Jaclyn Chao

Product Designer • She/Her

Jaclyn is a Bay Area native and is back after living in San Diego for a few years.

In her free time, you can find her hiking (very slowly) the great outdoors, searching for boba, or being a hermit, watching tv at home.

Karla Nieves

Support Engineer • She/Her

Karla is a support engineer here at ReadMe. She was born in Mexico but was raised in sunny California and is fluent in both Spanish and English. She is passionate about meeting new people and providing excellent customer service.

Karla enjoys hiking and going on long walks with her doodle in her free time.

Brandon Headrick

Associate Account Executive • He/Him

Brandon is a native Coloradoan and lives in Denver. He loves all things CO has to offer including skiing, hiking, and Denver sports.

Outside of work you can find Brandon on the golf course, sampling different breweries, or spending time with his friends and family.


Marketing Campaigns • She/Her/Hers

It took Olivia two years to write this. She lives in San Francisco—but her family is from a small town in France where most people live to be 100+.

Her passions include skee-ball and Snoop Dogg (she would like to thank herself for being a great all-round person).

Andrew Erdman

Solution Architect • He/Him

Originally from Columbus, Erdman now lives just a few hours north in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Growing up with two older brothers and receiving all of their hand-me-down gadgets, he has a deep passion for anything and everything in the technology world.

Outside of work, he loves spending time with his wife and three boys. When he isn’t in his playing video games, listening to true crime podcasts, or watching Terminator 2 for the 100th time…you will likely catch him exercising on his Peloton or cruising around town on his electric Rad bike.

Brendan Luna

Front End Engineer • He/Him

Brendan is a 4th-gen Californian currently living in the extended Bay Area with his wife, son, and two cats.

In his free time, you will likely find him out on a run, obsessing over the NBA, searching for a great sandwich spot, or playing video games. He’s also often chronically online.

James Clark

Full Stack Engineer • He/Him

Originally from a small village in the north of England, James now resides in the US with his partner, exploring everything the Bay Area offers.

In his free time, you can find James working on home automation, trying out new restaurants, and wilderness backpacking.

Jeff Arnim

Support Engineer • He/Him

Jeff lives on an island in Washington state with his wife, daughter, and sleepy old rescue dog. He’s built and supported software for tech companies, governments, and nonprofits — and looks forward to helping people create great API docs with ReadMe.

He loves ice hockey, ferry boats, grid systems, iced coffee, bicycle trips, long walks on the beach, living simply, and the Oxford comma.

Jarret Moses

Senior Fullstack Engineer • he/him

Bill Mill

Fullstack Engineer • he/him

Bill is a New England native who has lived elsewhere but always comes back. He currently resides in lovely Portland, Maine.

When he’s not writing code, he’s probably hanging out with his family or running long distances.

@[email protected]

Bella Nikom

Fullstack Engineer • She/Her

Originally from Boston, Bella moved to NYC when she decided she didn’t want her subway system to spontatenously combust (jokes on her!).

A hater of warm climates and a lover of traveling to tropical places, Bella is a paradox who just can’t seem to learn her lesson. When not contemplating the upcoming climate apocalypse, she enjoys sewing, playing frisbee, and binging reality tv.

Aya Wilde

Head of Solutions Engineering

Aya joins ReadMe from the lush pacific northwest, where she has over a decade of experience in tech Startups, IPO growth, and enterprise scaling focused on the customer experience. She loves solving big problems and getting things done.

In her free time, Aya enjoys avoiding technology, spending time outdoors, growing, cooking, and sharing food, dancing and guiding her toddler on the journey of growing up.

Jim Madden

Solution Architect • He/Him

Jim joins the ReadMe team from the San Francisco Bay Area. Originally from Boston, Jim decided he was tired of '6 months of winter' each year and moved to California in 2014. Along with his sarcastic Boston sense of humor, Jim brings two decades of experience in the tech world to the ReadMe Solution Architect team.

In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, traveling around the world, baking bread, and exploring the California coast on his motorcycle.


Adam Zinder

Developer Experience Engineer

Adam is from Ithaca, NY and in his mid-20s he decided to trade one cold, rainy location for another when he moved to Portland, OR where he now lives with his wife and his dog.

When he’s not at work, you can find him attempting to get back into decent running shape, trying to get past his bouldering plateau, getting lost while foraging for mushrooms or cooking overly elaborate mid-week dinners.

Justina Nguyen

Developer Relations • She/Her

Originally from the Bay Area, Justina is now based in New England where she’s enjoying all four seasons with her fiancé and their rescue dog, Piper. Justina has spent most of her career helping early-stage startups grow and she’s passionate about creating engaging experiences for developers.

Outside of work, Justina likes to cook traditional Vietnamese dishes, learn Muay Thai and Brazilian jiu jitsu, and look for her next snorkeling location.

Ross Brackett

Support Engineer

Ross grew up in the strange little town of Bellingham, WA before making his way to the strange big town of Portland, OR. There, he discovered a passion for group bike rides, choral singing, and the Web Audio API.

He now resides in Tallahassee, FL, where he's slowly working his way through every barbecue and fried oyster joint in the county.

Mansa Gills

Technical Writer

Mansa joins ReadMe as our resident Technical Writer. He was born and raised in Los Angeles but now resides in the Bay Area.

In his free time he enjoys hanging out with friends and family, gaming, and watching compelling Sci-Fi movies and TV shows.

Anand Patel

Partnership Engineer • He/Him

anand grew up In paNama city beach, florida (Spring break caPital of the world) and now residEs in oakland, Ca. he loves building things, and getTing them to scale.
looks like you have what it takes! apply to readme today using our api https://docs.readme.com/main/reference/applytoreadme
as an altruistic alliterator, he enjoys escaping escape rooMs, beguiling board games, melodic music and dElirious dancing.

Asha Camper Singh

Front End Engineer • She/Her

Asha doesn't like to be perceived, but here we are! She's always been a California girl and prefers the fog of San Francisco over the sun of San Diego.

At work, she enjoys building nice things for her users and her teammates. Outside work, you'll usually find her sleeping, petting a cat, reading, or crafting. Just before writing this blurb, she purchased a sewing pattern for a pair of cargo pants. Mentioning that here is her accountability mechanism.


Chief Whimsy Officer

Owlbert comes from the capital of New York, Owlbany. He made the long flight to Silicon Valley when his parliament passed a law outlawing internet use by owls.

He’s now happily settled among the other owls of the internet and spends his days jumping between ReadMe pages.
